Are your juices really 100% natural?

Yes, our juices are made with 100% produce. All of the contents inside each juice are raw & does not contain preservatives, or added sugars.

What does it mean when my juice separates?

Keep calm, shake and sip! Separation is completely normal with raw fresh juice. 

What are the possible benefits of a juice cleanse?

When you give your body nothing but pure nutrition from plants that it can absorb easily and quickly, you start to feel the effects immediately. Many people experience the following during and after a juice cleanse:

  • Rapid weight loss 
  • Bloating eliminated
  • More energy
  • Clear bright skin
  • Powerful workouts
  • Deeper sleep
  • Stronger immune system

Why should I do a juice cleanse?

From time to time it is good to give your body a rest from the stresses of everyday life. We can't control everything, but we can control what we put in our mouths. Juice cleansing is a good way to:

  • Give your digestive system a break so your body can heal and repair itself quickly
  • Feed yourself pure nutrition that your body can absorb immediately
  • Help your liver and kidneys detoxify your body
  • Give your body what it needs to slim down and have more energy

Can I work out during a Juice Cleanse?

Many people do on a short juice fast of seven days or fewer. The saved energy from the absence of digestion can be redirected towards working out. However, listen to your body. Some people prefer to give their body a break from exercise or strenuous physical activities during the detoxification process.

What about protein?

Protein is an important part of our body structure. How it is taken in the body is the important matter to focus on. Amino acids are what the body requires. Plants and fruit have all the required amino acids to build the protein that the body needs. Although it can be used as such, the body does not require protein to make protein. It requires amino acids to make protein. Furthermore, many people consume entirely too much protein. In doing so, the excess protein is stored in the body as fat or toxic waste. That is one major violation of a detoxification. Protein is also the most complex of all food elements, and is the hardest for the body to break down. When too much is consumed, the body expends much energy to break it down and digest it. That is another major violation of a detoxification, and it often leaves the body feeling sluggish. Think of some the strongest animals in the world: elephants, horses, buffalo, and gorillas. What do they eat? Vegetation and fruit.

How much water should I consume on a detox?

We recommend a gallon a day. Many people commonly mistake thirst for hunger. On a Juice fast, an unnecessary feeling of hunger can be very unpleasant. Also, many people will feel faint and get headaches when enough water is not consumed, but for starters use this formula: 

Take your body weight in pounds, divide it into two and that's the number of ounces you will need in a day. Example: Your body weight = 160 pounds. Divide into two = 80 pounds. Your requirement = 80 ounces / 8-oz a glass = TEN 8-oz glasses.

How long can I detox?

It varies from person to person. People with detoxing experience have been known to detox for several weeks, and even months. However, if you are new to it, you may just want to try 1-4 days. Then give yourself a break, and then try for a longer period next time. It is very important to listen to your body. Please also consult a physician for the proper amount of days to detox.

How often can I detox?

Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly There are no wrong answers. It is up to you, and what is best for your body. Again, this is another question that requires a physician's guidance.

Can I take medication while detoxing?

Juice detoxifications are designed to rid your body of all unnatural substances including those found in medication. If you are scheduled or planning to take any medication, please consult with your physician.

When is a good time to detox?

  1. Pick a time when you will not have to sacrifice major social behavior. For example, the week of Thanksgiving may not be the best choice.
  2.  Pick a time when you will remain busy. It has often been said that idle time is the devil's workshop. The same thought process applies here. Sitting around thinking about eating solid foods is not ideal. Choose a busy week at work or plan many activities that will keep your mind busy.


How long should I juice detox or cleanse, and what should I expect?

Day 1 It is similar to the first time back in the gym after taking time off. One day should help get the body back on track. A one-day detox is good for maintenance after reaching a desired goal. It is also a great way to sample the program.

Day 2 For most, the second day is the toughest of the entire regimen as the body fights heightened withdrawal from normal eating habits. Two days of detoxing is also recommended for maintenance, or for first timers that are nervous about being able to complete three days or more.

Day 3 The third day is when the body typically adjusts to the detox. A majority of the toxins and waste in the body have now been expelled. Each sip of juice sends a heightened burst of energy into the system. With a near empty digestive system, the body feels rejuvenated, many sleep much better, and the body uses the saved energy from the lack of digestion towards other physical activity. This is generally considered to be the easiest day of the detox.

Day 4 Completion of the fourth day starts to realize even greater benefits. Cleansing continues internally as well as penetrating deeper into the skin. Unhealthy eating habits, food addictions, and cravings are usually broken by now.

5 days or more Generally reserved for those with juice detoxification and cleansing experience. This is the next level of detoxification. Most are now fully in tune with their body. Not all has been cleansed in 4 days or less. Further benefits are realized with each added day. Many that complete this regimen can truly say that they have accomplished a lifestyle change. Besides further physiological benefits, many now enjoy an elevated spiritual experience with advanced mental and emotional benefits.

Why are Electrolytes so important?

When the kidneys are functioning properly, they are able to regulate concentrations of these vital minerals, in conjunction with fluid levels in the body. As we go about the day, and particularly when we exercise, much of the body’s precious fluids (and mineral electrolytes) are lost. We can also lose these vital salts through urination, vomiting, going to the bathroom (especially diarrhea), and through the liquid content of wounds. When we sweat, we are particularly apt to lose the minerals sodium, potassium and chloride. This is why athletes are so concerned with replenishing electrolytes after a strenuous workout. In fact, all of the major fluids of the body require large amounts of potassium to function, and 90% of the body’s potassium lies within the cellular walls. For this reason, it is essential to replenish these electrolytes on a daily basis through intake of clean fluids and foods. When we expend sweat and lose these vital minerals, we need to replenish, not only with water but with minerals. If we combine intake of fluids with electrolytes, we will actually hydrate quicker, as water follows electrolytes. Moreover, taking in electrolytes like sodium reduces the amount of water lost in urination, allowing the fluids to be more readily absorbed back into the muscles, tissue and nerves.

 Will I be hungry on a juice detox?

Most people feel a hunger sensation at some point in the detoxification period. However, it is important not to confuse this with being malnourished. The juice provided gives plenty of needed nourishment. Also, many confuse dehydration for hunger, so please make sure to consume plenty of water. A gallon a day is strongly recommended, but make sure to drink 64 oz at a very minimum. As the days pass, the body adjusts, and the hunger sensations diminish. For many, they completely disappear.

Is it ok to drink coffee, alcohol, carbonated beverages, reduced calorie drinks, etc. while detoxing?

No. Again, this negates the purpose of detoxifying the system of excess toxins. This is a time to revitalize and heal the body.

What should I do after completing the detox?

  • Afterward, continue a healthy lifestyle ensuring enough fruit, vegetables, and fruit and vegetable juice.

  • Upon completing your detoxification, reintroduce solid food by first eating only raw fruits and vegetables. Afterward, gradually incorporate grains, meat, and dairy products if so desired.

  • Minimize servings of fried or processed foods. If you are reintroducing them to your system, do so moderately.

  • Drink plenty of water.

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